Three Marks of a True Christian Church
- The true preaching of the Word of God. Our preaching should be expository (declaring faithfully what the Bible teaches) and applicatory (pointing the truth to the conscience of the hearer).
- The right administration of the sacraments. We administer believer’s baptism as the glad occasion arises, and we normally seek to administer the Lord’s supper on a monthly basis. In baptism, Christ declares to us our union with him in his death to sin and resurrection to newness of life, and we publicly declare our commitment to Christ. In the Lord’s table, we commemorate our Lord’s death until he comes. We desire to preserve the sanctity of these ordinances.
- The faithful exercise of discipline. We believe that a sincere profession of Christ is a wholehearted commitment to Christian living. We have vowed to one another to walk alongside each other as we journey the narrow way toward Heaven together. Therefore, we agree to faithfully encourage, reprove, instruct, and exhort one another. We also willingly uphold, defend, and submit to the government of Christ’s church as taught in the Holy Scriptures.
Covenant Reformed Baptist Church
1709 Arial Street
Easley, SC 29640
1709 Arial Street
Easley, SC 29640